Special blog to Kelisa
My precious car has been sold to car dealer. I have no chance to drive it anymore. Really feel sad when my mum told me about it. I bought it since June 2006. It's so charming for the first sight. That's why I bought it. I drove it everyday to work. I drove it to shopping mall on weekend. I did my best to keep it in good condition. I took up responsibility to send it for service on time. Can't believe that I sold it out after one year. The main purpose is I'm no longer drive it after I work in Sg. It's a hard decision I have made. I know I should give it a better owner, but not just leave it in my house without drive it. Thus, I have sold it out reluctantly. Hopefully its future owner will treat it well then. Bye, my Kelisa.
2 hugs:
don't be sad la,may be you will see on the road when u back to penang.
-_-''' If I see it on the road, I'll feel sad because I'm not the owner. *cry*
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