Under Merlion:
Inside Carlsberg Tower:
Joo and her bf
And then Underwater world:
3pm, we have almost explored all the stations in Sentosa. At first we thought we can return to Vivo City since it was still early for us to go for the show 'Song of the Sea'. But in fact we were not allowed to do so. Once we get out of the monorail station, we need to pay for another ticket if we want to return to Sentosa. Due to our 'Kiam siap'ness, 3 of us just sit inside the monorail. We rather sit inside the air-con monorail than just walk under the hot sun without any direction. Hehe.. therefore we totally spent around 1 hour in the monorail. Hmm.. We have fully utilized the $3 pass card.. ;P
We had our early dinner at SubWay since it was raining outside. We moved on after rain stopped. We found one special design near Merlion. Not sure what it meant for. Some part look like snake, some part look like dragon, some part look like snail. It is actually a unique-shaped fountain.
naughty joo
We were getting nearer to the entrance of 'Song of the Sea' but it was still quite early for us. Therfore we wandered around the beach nearby and took some photos.
posing under the tree
See, this photo looks like a wedding photo, right? I am the photographer.. hehe...
Taken by PC Photo Studio..;p
And, below is just for laugh. The photographer is not really pro. He purposely made me look like pointed to ppl's buttock. -_-'''

Time for 'Song of the Sea'. This was what we waiting for during the whole trip.
Picture took before the show:
During the show:
Princess Amy
show ended with fireworks
After show, We returned to Vivo City in order to take MRT back. Photo taken before left Vivo City.