Japan, I’m coming! I’ve been waiting for 3 months. Finally! Hohoho! Took the flight from Penang to KL, and then transited to Kansai International Airport, Japan. Since we reached airport quite early, we started wandered around airport…
Our luggage before check-in:
We were flying off to Japan by Malaysia Airline at night time… errrr… this is my first time taking flight to overseas… I think it will be much more comfortable sleep in the bus than in the plane… hehehe… and the stewardess kept waking us up for… Supper? Breakfast? Snack?.. I don’t understand… Consequently, I didn’t sleep within these 7 hours on the way to Japan… Hopefully I won’t feel dizzy or look like a panda tomorrow when reach Jp…
Japan Day 2 - Osaka
I predicted wrongly… Now it’s still summer… My sweater and gloves become useless… Anyway the weather won’t destroy my good mood… Yes! Let’s heading to Universal Studio Japan, USJ in Japan…
Currently they are celebrating Halloween, therefore every building in USJ is designed in Halloween themed… Snoopy is welcoming us with open arms although I can’t see its arms… hahaha…
Taking pics under the hot sun is another great experience… My God! I'm burning! my cheek is turning into red color... hot! hot! hot! I can't open my eyes... The castle just behind me, looks great, right?
I have enjoyed myself from 8am till 4.30pm… It’s time to say bye to Universal Studio…
Next destination is Osaka Castle… beautiful scenery on the way to Osaka Castle… It is fascinating~
Around 6pm, we came to Shimsaibashi which is one of the largest shopping arcades in Osaka… Do you notice that the surrounding was dark although I took this picture was around 6pm? Normally sunset early in summer time…

And… The most important of the night…. I’m wearing Yukata! :”> nice?
2 hugs:
Jealous ha mik? ;p
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