My Cubicle
Together with OSK, I passed all things which belong to Agilent to HR. After this, we walked to meet Cherist since she wants to give me a card before I leave. Thanks Cherist for this lovely card. Thanks for your friendship.

I’ll never forget to mention a gift from OSK. She is so sweet. She gave me a present according my wish list in my blog. It’s a Europe tour guide book. She knows me well huh. :”> Thank you so much, I’ll read it and speed up my plan to Europe. Hopefully so. Haha!

I stepped out of company at 5.30pm and ‘escorted’ by Sophia, Sim and SFong. What else I can say? Really feel sad lor… I threw a quick glance at Agilent. GoodBye, Agilent… I felt so lonely on the way back to my home. I also don’t know why I have such feeling.
Don’t know what else to say but only a word in my mind which is “Thank You”. Thank you to those who always help me in completing my work and encourage me in accomplishing my goals. Special thanks to Ung who always shares with me his Europe experiences.

Thanks to those who always share with me happiness and sadness.

Lunch-mates... hehe...