After movie, there was heavy rain outside.. I fetch Chinx2 from Joo’s house.. and then fetch CChing from her workplace on the way to Babylon.. This was my second time went to Babylon, but unfortunately I still can’t go upstairs because upstairs only operates after five… sob… sob… I don’t care.. I still insist to go Babylon again when CChing’s birthday next month.. hehe.. and make sure I make a reservation properly… and make sure it is after 5…

Three of us shared a slice of Blueberry Cheese cake..yes~ it is delicious.. and, we started our girl talk as usual.. girls are always girls.. share happiness and sadness in every moment.. furthermore, we are always ready to take pictures.. hehe… we took a picture in front of E&O hotel before went back.. Chinx2 and I agreed that it is the best picture we ever seen… 3 of us look great~ =p

Thanks, Chinx2.. thanks for those souvenirs… drinking bottle and London bus from London… a monkey keychain from Sabah… She lost CChing’s monkey keychain somewhere, hopefully she find it soon…Hey girl, are we look like monkey? How come 4 of us got monkey keychain? Why not elephant or lion? I think tat we can consider to form a group with the name “Monkey 5”… haha.. =p